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Productive day

Woke at silly-o'clock this morning. Couldn't get back to sleep which is not always so bad if your head starts playing creativity ping-pong. My imagination usually kicks in best when I wake up. So I suddenly got the urge to make more salt dough.

A few days ago I was asked about making 3D pieces out of salt dough after I had made some tiles and shared them with a group of GCSE Art Teachers on Facebook. Lying there before dawn thoughts began to spark. I decided to make something based on Angie Lewin because her shapes work so well with salt dough.

So here's the outcome. I've used two layers of grease-proof paper just to make sure it is easier to take off the bottle, even if the dough shrinks. The bottle should give it the support while it dries. Learnt by my errors along the way so that should make it easier to provide advice for teachers. Just have the frustration of waiting for it to dry now!! I've had less success when I put salt dough in the oven. Some pieces developed bubbles even at low temperatures. I suppose I'll just have to be patient.

I've also rehashed an old worksheet today and added a few more tasks, thinking about how to get kids enthused in Lockdown. I've added a fun photography task to recreate the artists work using themselves as a model.

The worksheet is now on the Lockdown Lessons page, while the editable version is available form the TES shop

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