Graffiti Art for Year 8
Graffiti Art can be problematic in some schools. There can be a fear from some members of staff, that kids will learn their skills and then practise them on the school walls. I have never experienced this actually happen. Instead, students develop an appreciation of the skills and hard work that a Graffiti Artist would put into their designing and preparation for producing legal Street Art. The quiz below encourages students to think about the legal issues around street art and the quiz based on the film of Graffiti Artist Muhammed Ali explains the professionalism within this field.
The first worksheet helps students understand some of the basic skills they need to be able to design Graffiti lettering.
The video here is included in the worksheet. In it the skills are modeled that are needed to complete the tasks.
Graffiti 1 - Turning simple letters into Graffiti style letters
History of Graffiti Art Quiz