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Lockdown Lessons - Video Explainers and Worksheets

Sometimes what we need as art teachers is a quick idea to cover a lesson or two.  Here are a few I've created over the years.  They can stand alone or be developed into a project.  Some cover a particular skill so could be used where a specific need is identified, perhaps to differentiate for certain students. Literacy challenges contained within the worksheets are short and intended as a starter to focus minds.


If you would like to get the inexpensive editable Word documents of my worksheets, you can visit my TES shop here.

Video Explainers

This video shows how to edit photos using Google Drawings.  It can easily be extended by researching Karl Blossfeldt, or using some of the images created to develop other artwork.  This project would help students understand tone and contrast.

The original PowerPoint created for the video above is here.

Seeing my students were getting a bit bored of pencil work in Lockdown, I created this craft project to link with a project about the Arts and Crafts Movement.  It requires materials that are usually found at home.  I got some great work from it.

One-off Worksheets

​The collection of worksheets below are not related to a particular project but could easily be slotted in.  The work in them covers one or two lessons, ideal for isolation or covering absent staff.


Remembrance Day T-Shirt Design - a bit of history and literacy as well as design skills.  This would also work well as a competition.

Drawing a Cylinder - a bit about perspective, linking to a skill for a Pop Art Project

What is Contrast? - Some examples of contrast in an artistic context, along with a drawing challenge.

Pop Art - a bit of Art History with a literacy challenge, followed by a couple of practical challenges.

Islamic Tile Design - numeracy in art.  A literacy challenge included, along with several drawing challenges.  

Designing Motifs - a simple challenge getting students to develop imagination.  This could be extended into thinking about colour and expanded in to Doodle Design.

Understanding Distortion - includes a short literacy challenge to check understanding of context, and a homework task which could serve as a good introduction to photography.

Retro Baubles - includes a short literacy challenge and stepped, scaffolded practical tasks.

Huichol Style Moon - includes a short literacy challenge (word search) and stepped, scaffolded practical design tasks.

Gradual Shading Practice with Pipes - includes a link to a video demonstrating the skills needed to enable learning from the worksheet.

Murakami Mushrooms - Mixing the Old and the New - a useful contemporary example of the mixing of commercial and fine art. Includes a literacy challenge.

Eyes: Shape, Form and Expression - practical tasks, enough for 3/4 lessons.  Starting with observational study, then moving on to showing mood through style.  Finally creating a self-portrait photo in the style of Courbet's portrait showing his desperation.

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