Lesson Template and Rationale
This worksheet design came about as a result of the demands of Covid-19 lockdown and the need for teaching and learning to take place remotely. Schools will need to think about their blended approach to learning, while maintaining a high quality of classroom practice which is not disadvantaged by the separate and different needs of learning at home. Any future Lockdown would, like the last one, happen with little warning. Therefore a style of learning which provides a greater level of independence and a seamless (as far as is reasonably possible) transition between home and school becomes more necessary. The Rosenshine Principles talk about sequencing concepts and modelling. This was for me, the starting point of developing a framework which could become familiar through use in school, and form a basis for the structure of learning at home.
More detail can be found on the home page.
Worksheet template
Worksheet template with rationale and examples
Understanding how lessons help me learn - Quiz
This quiz could help reinforce students understanding after the first lesson of this type, perhaps as a homework.